We are very proud to announce the launch of our Instagram Page @tantric_journeywithin
Check it out to learn more about about tantra, embodiment, healing, relationships, body-positivity, pleasure-positivity and to stay tuned to our latest offers. We will be sharing lots of inspiring and educational content, as well as let you know about our new offerings, courses and retreats. If you are curious to understand more about our work before booking a session or a course, this is a great way of getting an impression of our tantra massage, tantric body-work, body-oriented coaching, couples coaching and massages; as well as from what goes on in our tantra massage course.
We are happy to hear what you have to say in the comments and lets us know if there is any kind of specific content you would like to hear more about. We are excited to have a tool to stay connected with our audience on a more regular bases and hear what your questions, concerns or simple expressions of your feelings and reactions are.
Here is a direct link: www.instagram.com/tantric_journeywithin
We wanna thank everyone who supported us in this process, especially our friend and designer @KarenHofstteter from Studio Nama. Click here to find out more about their amazing work: www.studio-nama.com
Hope to see you there!
With love,
Journey Within Team
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